Thank you for your interest in sharing your success stories.

CFH is working to build a holistic view of maternal and child health work in the state. To do this we have begun collecting success stories from all levels of public health across Minnesota. Filling out the survey should take between 5 and 30 minutes.

Success stories pertaining to the Title V Maternal and Child Health Block Grant priority areas may be featured in our priority briefs or included in our federal and legislative reporting. Programs may also be highlighted in our social media and posted to the state website. Please contact Molly Meyer with any questions.

For your reference, the Title V Maternal and Child Health Block Grant priority areas are listed below:

  • Access to Services and Supports for Children and Youth with Special Health Needs
  • Accessible and Affordable Health Care
  • Adolescent Suicide
  • American Indian Family Health
  • Boys and Young Men
  • Care during Pregnancy and Delivery
  • Comprehensive Early Childhood Systems
  • Housing
  • Infant Mortality
  • Mental Well-Being
  • Parent and Caregiver Support
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