School Environment and Policy Assessment
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The first set of questions asks about your school's policies and practices around walking and biking How does your school or district wellness policy address walking and biking?
* must provide value
Prohibits walking and biking
Walking and biking are not addressed
Promotes walking and biking
Not Applicable
How does your school or district transportation policy address walking and biking?
* must provide value
Prohibits walking and biking
Walking and biking are not addressed
Promotes walking and biking
Not Applicable
Does your school or district collaborate with local law enforcement on enforcing speed limits or other traffic laws in the school zone?
* must provide value
Not Applicable
School Zone is defined as school property and the area surrounding the school property to a distance of 300 feet or one city block, whichever distance is greater
Does your school or district have a plan for evaluating Safe Routes to School efforts?
* must provide value
Not Applicable
For guidance on evaluating safe routes to school efforts, see the Minnesota Safe Routes to School Evaluation Plan (link forthcoming) Does your school have or participate in walking and biking events or programs such as Walk to School Day or Walking School Buses?
* must provide value
Not Applicable
The Minnesota SRTS Resource Center contains the latest information about walk and bike to school events.
See Safe Routes to School Events & Announcements.
If this school does not participate in events but other schools in the district do, contact the other schools for advice on how to get started at this school. Does your school have or participate in walking and biking skills and safety training or curriculum?
* must provide value
Staff trained, but curriculum not yet implemented
Yes, staff trained and curriculum being implemented
Not Applicable
Bicycle Alliance of Minnesota's Walk! Bike! Fun! is an option of a program that teaches biking skills and provides safety training. A basic overview of Bicycle Alliance of Minnesota's Walk! Bike! Fun! Curriculum is available here: Walk! Bike! Fun! (
If this school does not participate in the curriculum but other schools in the district do, contact them for advice on how to get started at this school.
The next set of questions asks about your school property and arrival/dismissal procedures. How many designated and separated points of entry (e.g., sidewalk, trail, or intersection connection) onto the school property are accessible to walkers or bikers?
* must provide value
3 or more
Not Applicable
Consider the points of entry that walkers and bikers are entering your campus. One point of entry may be appropriate if it is the only safe way for walkers and bikers to enter your school. In some instances, If there are more safe points of entry you may wish to add more. As many safe points of entry as possible Is the bus loading/unloading area separated from parent pick-up and drop-off?
* must provide value
Not Applicable
Does your school have a written arrival and dismissal policy that addresses the needs and safety of students walking and biking, such as providing staggered dismissal times or separated physical arrival/dismissal spaces for students walking and biking?
* must provide value
No policy or limited policy that acknowledges students walking and biking but does not address their unique needs and safety
Yes, policy addresses needs and safety of students walking and biking, but it is not communicated to parents
Yes, policy addresses needs and safety of students walking and biking, and it is communicated to parents via school's communications channels (e.g., school website, email, flyers, etc.)
Not Applicable
The next set of questions asks about your school zone. The school zone includes school property and the area surrounding the school property to a distance of 300 feet or one city block, whichever distance is greater. What speed limits are posted within your school zone? Do not include signs that lower speed limits only when students are present.
* must provide value
Any speed limits 40 mph or more
Combination of 30 mph and 35 mph
All speed limits 30 mph or less
Not Applicable
School Zone is defined as school property and the area surrounding the school property to a distance of 300 feet or one city block, whichever distance is greater
Are there signs in your school zone that lower the speed limit to less than 30 mph when students are present?
* must provide value
Not Applicable
School Zone is defined as school property and the area surrounding the school property to a distance of 300 feet or one city block, whichever distance is greater
To better understand opportunities and nuance about school speed zones, Public Health Law Center has developed a Minnesota specific resource. See School-Zone Speed Limits ( Do the streets in your school zone have sidewalks, paths, and/or protected walkways?
* must provide value
Yes, but gaps are present
Yes, present throughout with no gaps
Not Applicable
School Zone is defined as school property and the area surrounding the school property to a distance of 300 feet or one city block, whichever distance is greater
Additional information about planning and implementing infrastructure projects can be found in the SRTS Infrastructure Guide (link forthcoming) Are sidewalks and trails in your school zone maintained in safe condition in winter (e.g., cleared of snow and ice to allow students walking and biking to safely navigate them)?
* must provide value
Yes, in some areas
Yes, all trails and sidewalks
Not Applicable
School Zone is defined as school property and the area surrounding the school property to a distance of 300 feet or one city block, whichever distance is greater
For More information on safe winter conditions and maintenance see: Minnesota Walks Winter Maintence Guide (link forthcoming) What is the condition of the sidewalks in your school zone? (Best guesses are okay).
* must provide value
Poor (mostly (>50%) cracked, buckled, or missing sections
Acceptable (some (25-50%) cracked, buckled or missing sections)
Good (few (< 25%) cracked, buckled, or missing sections)
Not Applicable
School Zone is defined as school property and the area surrounding the school property to a distance of 300 feet or one city block, whichever distance is greater
To find more information on sidewalk maintenance, see Minnesota Walks' Sidewalk Maintenance Guide (link forthcoming). Until then, see page 34 of Minnesota Walks ( for information on challenges you may want to address.
Consult with public works for sidewalk repairs and improvements.
To compare the condition of your sidewalks with other communities check out these images of the good and bad/unsafe sidewalks. Think about what might be difficult for those on wheels (wheelchairs, strollers, walkers, etc.) or those with unstable gait to maneuver over when considering what may be unsafe. How clear of obstacles (garbage bins, signs, utility poles, overgrown plants, trees, etc.) are the sidewalks in your school zone?
* must provide value
Frequent obstacles interrupting sidewalk travel
Some obstacles, but enough room for two people walking side-by-side
Few or no obstacles
Not Applicable
School Zone is defined as school property and the area surrounding the school property to a distance of 300 feet or one city block, whichever distance is greater
Do the streets in your school zone have dedicated bicycle lanes, trails, and/or off street paths?
* must provide value
Yes, but gaps are present
Yes, present throughout with no gaps
Not Applicable
School Zone is defined as school property and the area surrounding the school property to a distance of 300 feet or one city block, whichever distance is greater
Does your school have a designated walking route in the school zone?
if yes, consider this route when answering the following questions
* must provide value
Yes, but it is not promoted
Yes, and school promotes awareness of route to students and parents (such as via signage or the school website)
Not Applicable
School Zone is defined as school property and the area surrounding the school property to a distance of 300 feet or one city block, whichever distance is greater
One example of a SRTS map developed by the city and promoted by the school is the Minneapolis SRTS Map ( Are marked crosswalks present in your school zone?
* must provide value
Yes, at some crossings (or within designated route)
Yes, at all crossings
Not Applicable
School Zone is defined as school property and the area surrounding the school property to a distance of 300 feet or one city block, whichever distance is greater
Are pedestrian crossing signals or "countdown" pedestrian crossing signals present at traffic signals in your school zone?
* must provide value
Yes, at some crossings (or within designated route)
Yes, at all crossings
Not Applicable
School Zone is defined as school property and the area surrounding the school property to a distance of 300 feet or one city block, whichever distance is greater
Are adult crossing guards with safety vests and STOP paddles or flags present within the school zone?
* must provide value
Yes, at some crossings (or within designated route)
Yes, at all crossings
Not Applicable
School Zone is defined as school property and the area surrounding the school property to a distance of 300 feet or one city block, whichever distance is greater
In 2017 MnDOT released an updated training resource for crossing guards: Minnesota Crossing Guard Training (
Also consider what types of safe crossing supports your school can provide to students who are arriving or leaving school for before/after school programs. Is student school patrol present within the school zone?
* must provide value
Yes, at some crossings (or within designated route)
Yes, at all crossings
Not Applicable
School Zone is defined as school property and the area surrounding the school property to a distance of 300 feet or one city block, whichever distance is greater
In 2017 MnDOT released an updated training resource for school patrol: AAA School Safety Patrol Training
Also consider what types of safe crossing supports your school can provide to students who are arriving or leaving school for before/after school programs.
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