General Information

The form below is used to follow up on allegations of alleged wrongdoing. If you believe wrongdoing has occurred, please provide as much information/data as you are able. You are not legally required to provide any information/data, however, the more information/data you provide the more likely your concern will be addressed.

Some examples of things to report, but not limited to:

  • General Harassment
  • Discrimination
  • Sexual Harassment
  • Respectful Workplace
  • Conflicts of interest and ethics violations
  • Fraudulent behavior
  • Violation of Policies or law
  • Mismanagement or misconduct
  • Abuse of authority
  • Violence/threats
  • Misuse of public resources

Data Intent:

The information/data you provide will assist in the appropriate follow up action to be taken. The data may be used in connection with an investigation into whether misconduct has occurred. The data may be used by MDH employees whose job assignments reasonably require access to the data. The following also have a legal right to access this data: exclusive representative for the employee(s) under investigation; MN Attorney General's Office; MN Legislative Auditor's Office; the arbitrator if discipline occurs and is appealed to arbitration; enforcement agencies (e.g., EEOC, MN Dept. of Human Rights, U.S. Dept. of Labor); law enforcement agencies and prosecutorial authorities; persons/entities named pursuant to court order; persons/entities whom you authorize; and any other person or entity authorized by state or federal law.

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